Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Night memories

how to close a day, the sun sinking, will have to drive carefully as the dear little munchkins will be about, looking for sweet treats, i do love the many times i remember roaming the streets on this night years ago with brothers and sisters, the smiles and the clothing, moms would spend hours preparing for their little ones, imaginative they were, we were spies and gangsters and superheros back then, now they are zombies and the walking dead, times have changed, still there is much fun in going out, and as we grew older, oh the trouble we would cause, is a good thing there be a thing call "statute of limitations" at least for some of us, all good fun and still yet today the adventures we did have, that we shared, they bind us to those of our youth, and you can say do you remember when.. and with a smile bygones will be bygones and there be laughter again.. such is the cycle, looking up and moving on and remembering we didn't get here on our own, nor will we continue without the help of those we love and cherish so very much.

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