Friday, October 12, 2012

A Smile so Simple

You know, sometimes it's the little thing in life that matter more then the big, but we forget, so often looking for the "perfect" score, when at times a nod, a smile a friendly greeting is enough to tip someone day into something special, just saying thank you should be a ready word upon our lips, and the smile you give should come from your eyes not just your mouth. I remember many of my college days, i loved to walk then, still do today, but without warning a passer by would just smile, to me it said, "you do exist" and that just warmed my heart!! we walk by without saying a word to any one, rolling up our car windows against the chill or heat, glancing at others but yet not really seeing them, at least this is the way in the city, when i was in the country seem you couldn't hardly pass a car without them tossing you a friendly gesture, even if they didn't know you from adam. so this weekend, practice that smile, that hello that hey how are you, cause you never know when you will make a huge difference in someones life.. and thank you, thank you so much for enjoying these simple words i try to write each day, you all are all truly a blessing to me - <3

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