Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Days End

July 9 2012

one last warrior has finally returned and I can now set my head to a time of rest ahead, pausing a moment to consider the day, and what perchance may lay in wait on the morrow. Though much was done this day to tame the beast we call life, tomorrows battles will be new and different from this days. Though often similar still there are the special demands that each would bring, each with their own weight of responsibility and load. But that is to be worried about tomorrow, tonight it is time to rest my head to take my leave of the burdensome pest that flitter like flies around my head. Time to turn my attention to the dreams that await me in sleep. Will there be battles fought and waged? Will there be the dancing of fairies of such rare and refined beauty. The night only knows and so I go to greet what the night has in store and wish you all pleasant dreams as well and may your dreams be the stuff of joy and pleasure tomorrow..

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