Saturday, October 27, 2012


Written July 9 2012

a full and busy day this has been, but now can rest, looking back and satisfied that I have been i have done and now my day is fulfilled, now i can rest, the evening awaits a time of relaxing and being ready for the morrow.
But today was also a day of reflection, of fallen comrades, all having fought a brave fight and yet they/we all succumb to that final fate that awaits us. Do we live hiding from that day? or do we embrace everyday as if this is the last, to live to love to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us, to smile through when life seems to throw us a curve and we feel the pain that also come with life. Look to find joy in the beauty that surrounds us, the stars the sky the cool waters that refresh us giving us life, we are together to lift fellow warriors and warriorettes as we walk side by side, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder. This life this way we have been given, is to short to live in anger and bitterness, let go those things that will only hold you down, look to your friends your family, we are here to lift to fight by your side should you need us. aye, we be all fellows creatures that walk and one day perhaps we will walk among those stars we gaze upon with such longing, we will fly with those might dragons of old, we will battle darkness as it try to take from us our joy, make your hearts merry for when there is life there is hope, love and joy...

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