Thursday, October 18, 2012


places in our minds, of cities late at night, the citizens fast asleep streets deserted waiting for morning light, here two lovers will meet in the dark, their love forbidden by those that do govern this world, two married souls but not to each other, stealing away a few precious moments to hold the other, in silence their relation does exist, the secret so closely kept from those they know, not even they of this realm and city may know, but they do hold, comforting each other in hours of need. There be many such gatherings late in the night, those that seek answers to questions of life, when feeling cold and lonely from the weary ways of life, they come here to this realm with hope, long soft sigh, i had found such love to hold and treasure, and may never know such again, but friends i do hold close to my heart. The echo of footsteps bounce softly from the walls of the buildings around, a quiet soul passing through to new lands, soon perhaps the dawn will break and friends will meet, but sometimes even in the quiet of night, I know this heart is never really alone

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