Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Walk

sometimes the paths we follow lead us to places never dreamed of, places of quiet refuge and reflection, we often seek fame fortune, we fight bravely valiantly, thinking this is the why of the way of life, yet we have to stop at times, to collect all this life has to offer, to listen, to listen so closely to that quiet voice, the one we can no hear in the midst of battle, that will whisper to us quietly, often point us in a direction we had not thought of. It is nice, when the top of me chariot is dropped, and i turn off that noisy box that often blares, though i love the music dearly, sometimes i have to turn it all off, let the wind, the air, the one that i love dearly speak His soft words, to sit quietly on the mountain side when life has rushed at you, to contemplate the stars above, it is so hard not to rush to do "the next great thing" to run head long with the "crowds" have we yet to learn not to tell momma, "but billy is doing it and all the rest of the kids" smiles, listen to that still small voice, it's there, we just have to listen and choose our own road for that is they way you want to go, not what the masses say, there be wisdom in consul, yet the final decision is always ours to make ours to do, and this i have learn to accept, it's not eve's fault that i did eat of the apple, i have learned to say, it was my choice, time to accept the responsibility and move forward..

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