Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday - Adventures Ahead

been a rather active afternoon/day, from a musical morning, to actions on a honey do list to spending time at office and here among friends, with much still yet to do and the race does linger waiting to be watched and ran, how is it some days that should be so relaxing are more busy then days when elbows should fly and yet these days of flying elbows go so slow, the weekends fly, and the week drags on and on, is it perhaps the anticipation of weekend delights and the lack of thought for a Monday! we count the days till the weekend is upon us when we can dance for joy, and so by we prolong the anticipation dreading the minutes we are about our business, and then with out a care the weekend does fly, yet there be many adventures waiting to be explored, to be enjoy even through our busy weeks, there are giants abundant that await the slayers sword (thanks Lori *grins*) and there be beast to ride and riches to seek, if for no other reason to share with the poor, aye these be fine days both weekend and weekday, and so it is i bid thee fare well all and enjoy for each day isn't about waiting for the next for the end, it's about enjoy each moment and each adventure with the passion that lays inside for such things as these..

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