Monday, October 8, 2012

Carpet Ride

what does light your path these days? Sometimes we live in a darkness and we forget to reach out, we think no one there really understands, but I have you all, that lift me up each day, that leave such lovely notes to awake to, that reach out with you arms and share hugs, that just are here, no words, or maybe they just slap you up side the head sometimes and say DUMMY LOL, takes all kinds, takes all manner of dear friends to live in these fast times around us now, sometimes we just need to be thrown in the back of a car and the words, "Road Trip" hollered out loud and off you go into a never land of wonder and adventure, such it life, so off to a few races this evening, a nice walk, a nice quiet dinner then who knows what's in store, but adventure awaits, come fly with me and let us enjoy this far reaching realm we share..

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