Friday, October 12, 2012

Jewel of Friendship

how long do we do the same each day, rise and shine eat and work, so often the same faces, the same chair, the same cat waiting to be fed, the hands of the clock ticking by one by one and we search for the next new thing to fill our lives, to pour joy into a seemingly bottomless pit, always searching yet rarely finding, most times it waits right in front of our eyes, but we fail to recognize that one thing that would make us complete, and so we go on and on, but i have found something that is so precious and keep my heart so full of joy and hope, that lifts me farther then any drug or drink, that gives me peace when i lay my head down at night and sleep, the precious jewel of friendship, the dear comments you leave, the pictures of your adventures abroad, and even at times when you do shed a tear that i might hold you for a moment and tell you your loved more then you know, just open your hearts and enjoy, for each night i do enjoy you all and thank you for letting me share even just a little in your life's your all very precious and dear

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