Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cliffs and Sand

tonight we take a walk along a rocky shore, the falls fill the air with the soft roar, the rocks though slippery still easy to traverse, the ocean waves crashing against the ledge below our feet, startled sea galls leaping from crevice and
nook, seeking a quiet place to rest and reflect, this life not so different at times then these shores, we often would want to simple feel are feet in sand, and the warmth of the sun, yet there are days when we must cross such rocky lands, We cannot dwell only in the past, aye these be memories that do keep our thoughts warm along with the thought of adventure ahead, but there is the constant moving forward, the time to grow, to be strengthened with new. there be more sandy beaches ahead, and there be dark nights as well, dark as when not even the stars seem to be able to pierce the night vale. But those be farther and farther apart, and though not every decision we make is as easy as a walk across the sand, some require improving our skills to muster a new goal, other will stretch us to our limits, aye, but that is life, and it makes life worth living, as they do say, "it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all" here is to love, to life, to fantasy, to days bright with victories.

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