Thursday, October 11, 2012

How We Fly

was walking earlier crossing streets, busy cars lights, people rushing to get where ever, I had spent the morning chasing my ships and finally taking a moment to find some nourishment, but i thought how nice to get away from all this RUSH! not just a vacation, but a time among the mountains, or on the oceans, a few close friends, the occasional drifting passer by that you can exchange current news with, for even the bible says it is not good for man to dwell alone, we spend so much of our time going, doing, not enough just reflecting, not enough just enjoying the friendships, we have to make that next mark that next goal, but are these the real goals in life? to have to hold to get to fulfill is wealth really a good goal? we hear that money doesn't buy happiness yet we presue it so diligently every day, only to realize how empty that want is, I had/have a friend that insist she could be happy in just a shack on the beach and i think they would be, (side note, she would still insist and keeps her little red car though :) ) but the idea of just letting it all go, do we really need to struggle so? but having done this so long how to let go? and of course there is always the food issue, and with winter coming on the warmth issue.. still, there is a longing in me for a simpler way. Now with politics, rat racing, gotta haves being  shoved down our throats every day, how do we decide what way to turn, which is the road that will actually gives us that longing fulfulled, not money, not a spectacular house, a vacation that only leaves wanting to have a vacation afterwards cause the vacation was to hard! Sighs, do we all long for something simpler or is it just me? i do have many dreams, to sail to fly, to build, yet i spend far to much time doing, making, getting, cause that's what i was raised to do, but some how someplace i will leave this race and say it is enough. time to let go and do what is in me to be done because "that is what i want to do" to survive, no more this "what i have to do" to survive. just some thoughts as i was walking across the street watching the cars fly by

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