Sunday, October 7, 2012


what is it about water that soothes there weary soul? the first thing you have on your dinner table when dinning out is water in a glass from the one that will server you this eve, the first thing you seek when your stranded and alone on beach or desert shore, from falling water to city fountains, to the creek and rivers, ocean waves, and even that tiniest of water falls the tears we shed, what warms our heart in this way, I could sit for hours besides a quiet stream engrossed in a book with the trickling sound soothing my ears as the birds do sing above, have sat beside oceans breaking waves, my feet buried in the cool sand watching the stars and moon as it rose, have listened to the roar of niagra, the raging waters of a river running wild and yet each one even now when i think back, reflect back seems to rest my heart, oh i to remember the bitter tears of heart ache, and those tears of joy from laughter, still yet there be memories that make that little stream, a tiny drop run down my cheek, always leaving me with a sigh, a time to reflect, a time to grow, oh and the happy tears when laughter does shake the belly hard, your smiles stretches for miles, the joy and comfort of a friend when you share this laugh together and the merry tears they do flow so free, ahh so many ways does water seem to say, it's going to be alright, perhaps it's the strength we see from the might falls the loud rushing roar, or maybe it's knowing that no matter how far water in some way some how connects us all, my day is done, and the evening does await i may return i never know but should i not i wish yo all a most pleasant evening and when you take that next sip stop and think how sweet it really is

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