Sunday, October 7, 2012

Warrior - Battle Lost

What is it that takes a bright day and slowly turns it to grey? a lonely day it was, there be days when your memories do haunt me still, times when i think of the hours we spent "talking" enjoying, chasing bad guys or girls, wars declared, fights we shared and the loot that was ours to take, was it just the game we played that held us together longer then we would have stayed without such fun? may be if we had never played the game of MW we would have parted long before and there wouldn't be this constant empty feeling inside that seeks to be warmed and yet is denied. I hear it said, to just move on, to get over it, easy enough words, but the stake you drove into my heart went deeper then any other ever and every time i try to pull it out even just an inch only leaves an emptiness and void i have never felt before. The life we shared did fill me nights, did make me stand and fight in the days that followed, gave me courage to fight on to conquor those many giants. And though today i do draw such strength and courage from those around that i share and care for so deeply as friends, that lift me day by day, they can not replace the long talks and the baring of soul I shared with my Scorpio so dear, that is the empty void yearning to be filled that is that which i miss so much, for you found your way through the tunnels and walls i thought were built so strong, you found your way deep into my heart, till the comfort of having an ear to whisper into that i would trust so deep never knowing you would steal my heart, whose arms would encircle me late at night to hold me tight and comfort me from those long weary days. And though they were rare there were times when we reversed, i held you through your trials as well, till the last one such a vivid memory burning in my mind, that night you lay weeping in my lap from your own lose, your breath rasping with each breath taken from the anguish of change in your life, your body trembling, shaking, my own tears wetting my cheeks from the pain and hardship you had endured so long now finally over and yet not, the little cat wrapped tight in your arms, her soft purrs to comfort you too, so many memories, how do you ever walk away, how do you simple say it's time to move on from such a one, will another ever walk in and fill that which was lost? Can another live with the memory of another so lost? will they hold you so tight long into the night? We love so fast, so easy, we give ourselves away to the highest bidder, for but a moment of pleasure because instead of seeking the depths of truth and love we only see lust and want and need. The words seem simple enough to say, "I Love You" but today where is the meaning, how deep do those feeling go, yeah i long for their return and one day maybe i shall "move on" but these memories will never defeat me, for I have found comfort among friends, but they will ever linger to haunt me of a love now long gone...

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