Sunday, October 7, 2012


such a day like this, finally done and ready to lay aside those weapons of old and take some time to drink the wine and rest the feet and head, to bid my friends a merry evening ahead, to hold a hand to kiss the lips of one fair maiden, to watch her dance and charm the room as the lights grow dim in the night outside, to watch h the flow of the room as we drink our ales, our wines and enjoy our stew, the laughing sounds of treasured jewels greeting their men as they come home, tis grand to sit and watch such sights, to enjoy the laughter of a room, to drink with friends young and old, to tell tales of the day of giants and dragon of beast and foe, to glory in that the day is done and yet we still stand to rise again on the morrow, aye such a restful time when we do turn in and enjoy the finer things that await for man and woman as the day does slowly close it's arms around us each, the lights do dim, the music does fade, and now left here alone with you as your body lays close to mine, together we sip the sweet spicy wine, that soft laugh or smile that sweet tender way you have about you, they do bring rest to a weary heart, and so tis off we shall soon go and with a wave till later maybe for one never knows what the night does hold...

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