Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekend Gathering

Such a pleasant afternoon, office is quiet, time to have hunted for pics and explore the realm, to have stretched the imagination, to share with friends tales of the weekend, evening approaches, and soon a new week of adventure will be upon us, their will be battles to fight and giants to subdue, lessons to learn, but for now, there is peace, the peace of time spent with good friends, the peace that comes when you gather around an evening fall fire, to listen to the crackle of the flames, to watch as the shadows lengthen and the stars come on, to laugh and share, the fire warm the front and the coming night chills the back, yet we don't feel these things when we be all together, the fall wind rustle the dry leaves, and the sounds of nature fill the air, a squirrel barking warnings about impending danger to his friends and relatives, the rustle of a started deer that chanced upon your camp, these are the times we do share even if only in our mind, close your eyes for a moment, breath the coming fall air that surrounds us, the leave changing, the colors so bright, aye, the warm fire dances and reflects the delight of bright faces as we talk into the night..  sweet times my friends and am so glad we can share together.. <3

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