Sunday, October 28, 2012

Warriors and Friends

ah such sweet fun it has been sharing with you all for a time, so often wishing i could stay longer, but there must be a few things done here so that I can return and enjoy more time with all, so tis off for a time I am.. enjoy your afternoon and evenings, enjoy the friendships we have all come to find here and the love we share here as well, for such will last and such will hold us tightly together, the sparks of passion, exist not only in the love we make to our lovers, but that same spark ignites true and deep friends, friendship that are built on trusting and caring for others, sparkle as fountains under the lights, reflecting all the many colors and faucets of the love that existing among good and faithful friends, yes so many of you have become close to me, and i hope I am to you and though these be words on a screen, in a way each of you have become very much a part of my life, more then words, we laugh we talk we enjoy we share, such is the same was those that i know in that other realm in which we dwell and so it is always a pleasure to visit and often hard to walk away for a few, so again, enjoy the evening and the night ahead, be save always ♥

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