Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Brook of Fantasy

what's your favorite time of day? for me there are so many, would be hard to pick out just one, from a nice warm bed at the end of a long day, that morning cup of coffee, or like right now, just time shared among friends, now is when the lights outside have begun to dim, and the days work is stored away for tomorrow, desks cleared, wood products out the door, the phones finally quiet for a time, yes, this is one of those great times, for at night when i lay down i am soon fast asleep, and when I stop to enjoy that cup in the morning, to often it ends up rushed, but here and now, no rush, just relax, suddenly after this day we take a moment by the river imagination, we dip our minds into sparkling water, we see shapes the seem to lurk in our mind that someone has finally put on canvas, we read words, and poems and see the heart of those that wrote, we settle down backs against a tree, and dip our feet into the clear brook, listening to the waters gurgle, the breeze behind, it's fall, colors changing, you glance afar to watch the fairies in their dance, knowing you watch them but are at a save distance, they flitter with their own joy of a day well done.  Sometimes it rest the heart to just watch, let the action just float by, our hands they had been full all the day, but now is the time of fantasy, of friends, of loved we share.. of the hearts we know and share. of great beast above that fill the air with the flap of leathery wing, of the coming night when we shall sleep as are friends that flies above watch over us. yes, this is one of those times when we reflect on the day.. thank you all for comments for caring, for just being you and letting me into your life even if just for a few.

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