Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bright light

what does make a day, what does highlight one with sunshine and another with clouds? when one can dance in the morning for joy and at the end of a day feel the tears of pain run down a cheek, the morn is wrapped in the golden rays of the sun and at the night, the dark clouds of despair, so amazing in the mind of man this heart that beats within us, the way life can turn and twist and we feel like we are holding on and yet flung from side to side, and the next moment we have the bull by the horns and we are rolling the brute under our control, ahh, such is the way of life, when things so sweet do touch our hearts and they do so leave their mark, but the ways of the heart they do shape us into men and woman full of passion for one another.. yeah, yesterday was such a mountainous day I scarce could find my way home, and today was as bright and warm as the day before so dark.. ahh but for friends where would we be, lost islands on the sea, no place we can call home, but here is a thing that is said so very often "Home is where the heart is" and it is so sweet that i find my home here among you... sweet dreams all this night and adventures that will amazing you in the morn..

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