Friday, October 19, 2012

The Top

what a week, and such a sweet ending, the trek up the slopes often steep and fraught with peril, there were some times when it felt as though holding on with but fingertips, yet the week is now behind and the weekend lays ahead, there are just times when you have reached a peak, you have climbed hard all week and now your standing looking back across the way, do you marvel at this climb? this week behind? but the plans were laid, goals were set, a path had been planned and those places you thought often tough you did make it though, now for some time with friends family, but before, time to breath in deep, to soak in this world that waits, that spreads out before you, the adventures that await, more mountains will lay ahead, each with it's special adventures that await, each with a spectacular view waiting to behold, and the air will be clean crisp and the light of the remaining days will embrace you and with a sigh of contentment, yes, the world is right again..

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