Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Crazy busy day, much to do, still much left, but there is a time you have to say, Stop! Enough! time to breath a little, dream a little, enjoy a little, we speed through days like today and look back and wonder where it went, gladly I can look back and at least see a few things were done, one of those days you pause and take the morning sip of coffee, you breath in smiling at the work to be done, looking out and watching the trolls going about their day, and with one last drink you set aside your cup and the next thing the day is done, you can scarce remember if you had lunch, but your belly doesn't feel empty, so surely there was lunch in there someplace, now the evening is upon me, and time to cast off line and let the evening breezes carry to where it will, chase the moon into the night and let the waves of the sea wash away the day of racing to accomplish..  and just what was accomplished, yes, the things that really matter are family friends and love..  business is what we do, family friends lover is who we are..

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