Thursday, November 1, 2012


the sound of the wind rushes by the car window as we speed down the highway, thoughts racing with the engine roar, the sunlight of a fall day pouring through the windshield, a thought jumps to mind of a dream, and one wonders how it is a dream is gone, and do we then no longer dream, a new thought races, no we still dream, but sees the difference in real dreams and fantasy these I often confuse. if a dream can become a goal it can be real but a dream can also be but a fantasy something that warms the heart, i still dream of flying and sailing, and these can one day be real so very real, but there is the fantasy of racing also through the sky upon dragons back, a dream that is fantasy or is it?   We might feel the strength of a horse beneath us as we ride upon the back of a sturdy steed  and then let imagination stretch us up till we fly the skies upon such a beast with wings, we can see the castles of old still yet today and dream of warriors and lands long forgotten, as the wind rushes by, i dare not close my eyes for there be many others upon this highway this day, each racing towards a goal, a meeting, an encounter of some sort, so my mind races with dream and the feel of wind as i sail through the air and yet my eyes see the wild race of cars heading to their many destinations.. and so begins the tale that is to slowly come upon these wall of knights and dragons and kings and queens, for here in this realm the dreams that are but fantasy can be real..  <3

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