Monday, November 19, 2012


these past few weeks have been rather busy, and my time here has been a little limited, but each time I stop in I know I will find good friends, great pictures and warm comments to enjoy, in the short few months I have been here, so many of you have stayed and encouraged me to write and this i do with love, always hoping that my words might touch someone some how, that I might bring a smile, or a laugh, or a pleasant thought of a time now past, of amazing adventures that await if we simple stand and greet each day with a smile. Some have been lost to the ever present fb trolls that roam about looking who they might slay, some have simple moved on with their dreams, though you come and go, stay play laugh enjoy or cry, just know you all touch me in some very special ways, we heal from those wounds that we have been dealt through loves we lost, friendships that have faded and loved one now gone to that place we all shall one day go, so let us realize that our time here is but a moment, and life share these moments with each other with honor and with love, let us grow as friends and family, and thank you, we are all on the ship sailing this river of life together, I am proud to know you all ♥

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