Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Realm We Share

I do so enjoy this home away from home, the bantering chatter, the pics of lands long forgotten, yet they still linger in our minds, and they grow more and more vivid and real with each passing day, the fields of battle and the skies above, many suns do shine over worlds far away, of beauty and of passion, of love and love lost, all these are so vividly displayed in the art i do find within these realms, and though some i will not post or share, to wild to erotic for this wall, i appreciate the courage of those that do, and wish them well in their fight for their own place here in these realms, there is so much beauty in this world, both of human body and of nature, of starry skies and vast open landscapes, of place we may never visit and of things we may never see in person, and things that can only be imagined,  I hope you all will see the art as what it is, the art of so many that what only to share what is in their heart,  Such is this place of dreams that we have woven together, treat one another with respect and kindness, as friends for that is what the buttons says,  "add Friend" and do not hide behind glass walls to tear down what so many have worked so hard to create to share, nor try to take what is not yours, the flowers that grow here see enough of that in that realm so real, trust and share and treat each other with honor, don't hide in anonymity but stand for what you belief, or simple delete and leave, a little bit of a rant i know, but i heard two tales today that still trouble my soul, we are all sharing this ride together both RP and those that are real, those that merely seek a safe place to relax and enjoy, so from the heart just know i care for you all and hope this realm we all share is a place we can enjoy and always share

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