Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ocean Waves

don't you sometimes just wish you could be anywhere in this beautiful world in the wink of an eye? This would be a night for sitting on a beach, to dig bare feet into cool sand, to listen to the surf as it roll in tirelessly, to watch as the sun slowly settles into the oceans far out west, changing the color of the skies through all the colors they be, just a time to relax, listen to the gulls playing fighting for some morsel of food, a glass of wine, bottle open and ready to pour a few more of the drops into waiting glass, the quietness of it all as the night skies darken and the twinkle of each little star pops into being, ah the world at rest after a long busy day of much rushing about, alas there is just the thought and image of such a time still locked in memory, of watching the surf and sand, a memory from long ago, that still stirs the soul today with fond desires of "if onyl we could" sadly am land locked in this little town, but the mind is as free as your willing to let it be

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