Wednesday, November 28, 2012


ok, enough spamming for the night, have to push a few papers and a few notes, long road trip today and didn't get done with assignments, but the client is also a friend and so i just enjoyed hanging out with the guy, talking business, strategies for the upcoming year, possible exit strategies, just a great guy that I have come to appreciate his insight on life and business, with my near 60 years now, I'm not so full that I don't listen to a man younger then I, we can learn so much, not just from our elders, but from those younger as well, they say we right wingers tend to be a might close minded, but yet, I listened with interest to what this man had to say, and with some of his comments thinks perhaps he leaned to the left a little, but you know we need to find a neutral ground some day, cause what we doing now just isn't working, to many that care about themselves and not those they have been elected to serve, that goes for BOTH sides, left and right! it was encouraging to say the least, to listen to a man that had faith his business would continue well into the next 4 yours, gave me some hope, that is if we get past December 21 :) just saying :)

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