Sunday, December 2, 2012


Of late I have missed a few times to add a little to this page, able to find and add pics from other pages, people that have inspired me with their ideas, some have trickled over to my own works, some just inspire me to write.  Alas at times all i can do is look, real life so often determines my time here, that and a few projects I have been enjoying both here and in real, this busy weekend has settled into a quiet afternoon and so i can pause a moment,  this past month such a rushing ride down a turbulent river, not real sure of the turns and twist that lay ahead, but we have managed to survive the rocks the falls the rush of water, occasionally finding a short break before plunging head long into the next set of rapids that await, the ride has been joyous, but not with out its perils and tribulations, but we press on, and the words and notes that I enjoy writing and sharing, the times of life, well we all hold on at times to crazy rides down this river of life and it nice cause i can feel so many of you holding me tight in the craft so as not to lose my way under the waves, have a great afternoon evening night, back later to enjoy the love you all share..

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