Thursday, December 20, 2012

Different Strokes

A days end, work complete for the day, the Holidays looming over us, the world may not even be here tomorrow, so many things and thoughts do sit in my head this night, I think of all the love i have felt, and yet this past week i have seen two sides of a coin argue endlessly, neither side wanting to budge from their position cause they feel so strongly about what is right and what is wrong? i ask you this, how can 2 sides both be right? or is there really anything to be right about? In the bible, the is a word picture of a man, how we can't all be a hand or a foot, not all a belly head or neck, but it takes all the parts to make a whole, it takes 2 sides of a coin to make a whole, it takes people of different strokes, color, religion, faith, to make a nation a world. If we were all the same, it would be truly boring don't you think? I don't push who or what I am on someone, they ask I will share, and I love that when I ask you all share your thoughts as well, who is right who is wrong, it is not my place to say, it is my place to learn to listen and love, it so simple really, and yet, so hard for most, we have this feeling that if we give up and agree we some how have betrayed our own ideas and thoughts, and yet, as i have gown to know and love you all, i know we don't agree on everything, and may even be a long way apart on what is right and what is wrong, but you know what, it doesn't matter, it is still not my place, all i can do is lay out my heart to you all and pint a direction, that I feel will bring peace, it does for me, but for each that reads, it is you that must decide in life what it is your looking for, what it is you hold to, what it is that makes you you..and I can ought but love you for who you are, nothing more nothing less.. ♥

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