Sunday, December 16, 2012


well the best laid plans of mice and men, seems to me the more I plan the less often an event will happen, but when I fly by the "seat of my pants" life seems to find a way of twisting and turning in what ever direction it will, and we hold on, not knowing if we are the ones in control or if life it self just wants to see if it can shake things up a little to keep events interesting, still, the adventures can be for more intense.. there was a sign i saw once said "i hate when you don't follow the conversation as I had it rehearsed in my head" I get a chuckle, seriously, i think we all have this conversation running in our heads about how something should go and no sooner then you get the opening statement made when the other doesn't do what they are suppose to! it just wrecks your whole plan! well, some days, plan come together some days plans fall through, perhaps it is best to just be have a general goal and enjoy the ride life takes you on

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