Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fair Day

Post July 17, 2012

This has been a fair day of battle, the assaults each one thrown back from the walls, the men standing strong and yet you can see the weariness as they stand, a warm contented weariness from doing a task well, and yet they still stand ready in case those that would rise up once more to divide and conquer might try to return. As the stars begin to dot the darkening sky one by one, then in small clusters, the brightest always the first, the men seem to breath a collective sigh of relief knowing that the day is done, each turns to leave trusting those few left in charge, turning to retire to their homes and families. To the meal that await to stretch their bellies, the flavors that will dance upon their tongues the joy the dinner will bring knowing that this day the battle was won. There would still be more, the constant onslaught of life's struggles, of those that seek to tear down, and yet, with a light heart each does enjoy the peace that comes from a days work done. Each knowing there is still those standing holding the line till the morrow shall come and a new day begin. Perhaps the day will be restful with friends and family around to lift the joy or mayhaps there would be giants that will try to deal their mischievous ways, but that is for tomorrow to worry about, tonight there is peace once more as the day is done.. good evening to all this fine night and pleasant dreams ahead

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