Monday, December 3, 2012

Value of FB

these days long, full and sweet, the companionship and circle of friends always rich with love and care, how is it we often fall into such disarray, we are here to reach out when you need a hand, a shoulder, just some comforting words, we are here when you laugh you smile you cry, I have come to learn the "value" of FB does not lay in some elusive relation, but being able to communicate with such friends that I have found met and, to have been able to share, to keep sharing, to see the art that others have worked so hard to create and share these beautiful images, to admire the beauty of both woman and man, of lands far away, of lands only seen with the mind, to visit these far away places through the eyes of a friend, and through the mind of someone that will stretch, has stretched their imagination so, we look deep into those what ifs and what will bes and we write stories of great heros, fantastic lovers, of love.. but through it all the most important thing i have come to love and enjoy so very much is the love and friendships i have found and forged here, thank you all for always being who you are.. my friends

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