Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Posted July 18, 2012

The days end, I often think of one of my wishes in life, the one that puts us aboard a small sailing vessel at the end of a day, that with seas are calm around us, glasses of wine in our hands as we sit upon the bow feeling the gentle roll of the craft under us. The anchors holds us tight in place, the gulls over head streaking through the night sky in search of one last morsel of food to take back to their young. The sun setting in the west reddens the sky with it's long beams, stretching the shadows longer as dusk settles around us. Each sighing with pleasure, knowing that together side by side we have worked through the day, often knowing what the other would want long before needed and just preparing that rope that sail that line bringing us to this quiet cove. In the distance the soft rolling splash of the surf on the shore, and here the warm air beginning to cool touching our skin, the night slowly takes us and close we are as the stars pop into the sky, the taste of wine to soon be replaced by the taste of your lips, my eyes looking into yours, and with a soft smile......... good night all, may your dreams come true and your hearts be full of love for your chosen mate..

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