Monday, December 10, 2012


What makes life such a roller coaster ride at times? I can look back these past few days, took a few days off from posting a "blog" though there has been one stirring in my mind, this one I am writing now, instead I enjoyed several remarkable chats and wrote a little story line for a few, just thoughts as they occurred.  But going back to Thursday, it was such a high, a rush, a thrill, the world just went zoom even late into the night, but Friday came and i felt that the enter zoom from the previous day slammed me into a wall!  Seriously rough day, picking parts up off the floor, just couldn't get the go going, so the weekend was work but also relax, did a few things i hadn't done for a while, and just need to shake up the tree a little, so was wondering how often other went from a rushing high to a crashing low, are high highs going to be followed by a low?  seem to me that work that way, but perhaps it is just I, chasing running so fast at time, that when i stop to catch my breath, life hasn't stopped running, and takes a little time to breath in and out and let go, can't hold onto everything, somethings you let go and other things you hold tight to..  I read one place that any high day would be followed by the low, though I am not sure how true this is, for i should have collected many high days by now  :)  was sometimes the battle to get out of the valley is long and tedious, but a friend once said to me, the corn grows best in the valley, not on the hill top..  though we enjoy the highs, we seem to learn more while traypsing through the valleys..

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