Wednesday, November 7, 2012


a long time ago there were 2 families living in different basement apartments in the same building, there came a terrible storm one night and the small creek near the building became a raging river that overflowed it's banks and flooded the two apartments. while one family stood helpless in the stairway watching their belongings sink into the rising water the other raced trying to save as much as they could, and it was a frantic race though rising water, sewage and shorting out electrical, well the night ended and the next day came, one family walked away sad at their loses, the other family, well i know he went to work barefoot that morning and told his boss he had to have the day off. then this family proceeded to clean and salvage spending the day at laundry and hosing down furniture that could be saved, by the end of the day, one apartment was striped clean and refuse piled on the curb for the garbage truck to remove, much had been salvaged and was use able, the other apartment was rotting furniture cloths bed kitchen ware, the other family never returned to claim anything that was lost, accept the relief check that came from the disaster relieve fund, yes, the fund helped both families out in the end.. true story folks such is our economy today, time to get my ass to work.. take care all. back when i can ♥

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