Friday, November 2, 2012


Early morning

The twin suns had not yet risen, but the glow on the horizon helped to make movement around the camp easy enough. The day just breaking, a thin mist hung in the air, a little unusual for these heights, yet it occurred from time to time. Time to throw back blankets and begin working the fire back up to life, to break off the chill and yes, to enjoy that first morning brew, the black thick liquid we all seem to crave to start our days. The water had been fetched the evening before so that all would be ready to begin the day, there would be time though, Kadeyrn, had already slipped to his morning hunt for game, such an appetite that one had, never could i make him satisfied with a little of the black liquid that had been brought to our world by those that claimed to trade among the stars. Raising my head to look up as the light were already leaving the sky with the rising on the suns to the east, aye, they were a mysterious folk these traders, but they seem harmless enough, always bringing in some new technology to share and make our lives easier. Most simple believed they were from across the vast bodies of waters, a place once thought to not even exist.
The water in the pot had just begun to boil when the carpet of fallen leaves where kicked up with the sudden stir of wind overhead, and the thud of game dropped rather unceremoniously in the small clearing, and with a roar of triumph Kadeyrn settled and began his morning ritual of tearing meat from fresh game to feast.

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