Sunday, November 18, 2012


the inner self examination and reflection of who and what I am continues, of late i have been wanting to know the real me inside, actually the past few months, perhaps for some this is easy, simple, others we have received so much input from outside sources that we get all mixed up, often i think i know what I want, then i get it and i say to self "really" this is what i was on my knees for in want? ok, figuratively of course, just the latest round of gotta haves. We are bombarded with those gotta haves daily, it is how advertisement works, they are doing their job and their job is to make it so you gotta have it, or, heaven forbid, you will die...!! so i ask myself daily now, is this what I want? or is this just another hype of advertisement. I marvel at the lines that form outside of stores of the latest hot gadget, or book (guilty! was on the waiting list for the last eragon series, I just had to have it!!! :) ) movie, or phone, we are driven by this media to be better and we can only be better if we... (fill in the car, new tech so on and so on) yet have you looked inside and just wondered, is this really you? is it really what you want, or is it that in getting this would elevate you to a higher status, well typically that euphoric state last about a day, a new kid with a new toy.. hence the examination of self, sure i enjoy the things i have acquired in this life, i enjoy the realm of magic that is here in this land of wizards, but I want to be the me i see inside, and to reflect that on the outside, not to be the product, the show and tell, of so many advertisements, a difficult thing in this land of RP at time, yet there is always a voice that does anchor us to reality, that is the go to one we seek to remind us of what and who we really are here, a band of friends and family, all here to help each other know our real selves, be the you you want to be, not the you you think others want to see, you will be far happier, just being you and as the saying goes, you will know your real friends for they will accept the real you no matter what.. ♥

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