Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I have meet some remarkable people these past few months, you have shared your dreams, your cares, some more then others, when i came here i thought this was a place i could write and just share what was going on inside, how i lost a love that was so precious, and yet, the healing came not in the words i shared, but in the many hearts that showed me their own cares and hurts, and together we have grown, letting go such things, finding that life is far to important, far to short, to let these cares these burdens steal a single moment from us. Sadly we do have our hearts broken from time to time, for so often we love without regard, but healing comes, it comes in the notes the shares the peace that i have found among my friends, if there were a way I would hug each of you so very tight, so i simple hold each of you in my heart, perhaps it is just that we take a step, and another and another, we stand up, no i never realized just how much you all would mean to me this day, not back on that day i signed into this realm, and just to hold you all here in my heart does bring a tear of joy to my eye, thank you all, I told a friend today this would be a different Christmas for me, but you know, as happy as some of those past Christmases have been, and there have been some great ones, this looks to be the best by far for i have learned that life is still a dance to be enjoyed and this marvelous circle of friends how we do enjoy the dance ♥

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