Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Off to Ski

Ah, the sound of quiet mountain highs awaits me tomorrow, what will the thin crisp air inspire to do! the race down the side of a slope, sometimes steep other times just to cruise and enjoy, music will I hear, as it plays in my ears, yet from time to time, just to pause, and listen to the quiet that is only found on those mountain highs, to look out over mountains near and far, each time i visit, the joy of being up so high, the chill in the air, and comrodary of friends that we come together and share this once a year time. the sweet smell of pine still in the air, white carpets of snow, with trails of others that have gone before, the time friends share while traveling from the bottom to the top of the next hill, to slide down quick so that we might start again, ahh, will be a trip to long remember, will be away for a few days, but as i gaze out across the hills the mountain peaks, my thoughts will return to this realm and those that dwell here, to the love we share and i shall enjoy the hearty embraces of the friendships we have forged here in my heart, till then all, be safe, enjoy the days ahead and the adventures that lay before you each day (note to self, no matter how loud you scream, trees do not move)

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