Friday, January 25, 2013

Crisp Air

long yawn, long day and busy night and now is time to lay down head, to sleep and dream of fairies and dragons to fly to run to fight to love, tomorrow the sun will rise anew and we will seek out new adventure and trail and fellow companions to share our lives, tonight though the stars are again bright, the sky so clear, and so looking out the window, i think of all the eyes that might pause and wonder where each of us are, there is a chill in the air, so crisp and clean, that makes you feel alive, and yet causes you to turn from the day and find a warm blanket and bed, to bundle up as your body hits cool sheets that slow warm with body heat, till the cool crisp air outside, is but a distant memory as you lay down this night, so here it is sweet dreams to all and to all a great night..

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