Saturday, January 5, 2013

Gems Among Treasures

there are always a few gems among treasures that stand out more then others, they make the eye turn and look, but what is it that bring the eye to focus, is it the flash of light, the radiance, admittedly we walk into a jewelry store and though all the sparkle twinkles in your eye, there is that one that draws you in, there are gems among photos and art, landscape and starry night, things we all seem to be drawn to each in our own way, for some the spectacular color, and yet the same might look upon a black and white photo and marvel that they are again drawn in, what interesting creatures we are, so full of variety of interest, i enjoy the pics i post, and there are a few i enjoy that i will not post, i will just smile and say pretty to myself, some that I post you might say hohum, while others makes you look again, oh such variety in life in what we all see and do, the best thing in life isn't that we are all alike, it's that we are all so very different, and you know, it's ok.. sweet dreams to you all, my your heads rest well and the day ahead be full of new adventure..

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