Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dog Pile

ahh, is that time when the lights grow dim and the night chill is settling in, time to find a warm place to cuddle with your lover and enjoy a quiet evening, perhaps to return later to enjoy the life of this wizards realm so full of magic and adventure, of wall post that make me smile and laugh and to know there are others out here that seek adventure as do I. we fly we cry, we have hopes, we grow with new friends and watch as others go from our lives, when the list gets so full sometimes we don't even notice when one has left the fold, Our lives ever changing ever growing, as a friend once said to stand still is to die so we do move on and grow, cherish your friends always for they are they that make you smile that share in your good times and bad times, that hold you dear to their hearts never to leave, i heard it once said your friends are they that when they see you down jump right on top to make you laugh, so lets all hope that the pile that is on top of us grows higher each day, thank yo all for being my friends ♥

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