Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fly High

These days have been busy indeed, and my visits have often been short, I see though there are so many new adventures, knew thoughts and dreams that await to be explored, for now my times is in the music i play, though there are times i come to share the pics that lead to such wild adventures in the mind, and heart. Where will your dreams take you tonight? bright and distance stars? a ship that sail into the night, the mountain high that looks out over a land rich in forest and beast, or perhaps you would fly. do your dreams take you so high? far into the clouds then to race to the ground and pull up at the last minute to again soar up high, do you spread those wings and let the air carry you far and wide over hill and dale, for such are the dreams of this realm, to be forest creature fleet of foot, to be the toothy vamp that roams the night, to be the inner person you so desire to be, to find in yourself the happiness that comes from just being who and what you are deep inside, yes they have been busy days of late but my thoughts and heart are never far from spending time here with you all.. soon the night will take me into it's arms and I shall dream of fairies and dragons, of gypsy and pixie, of flying and running of all those things that some day may be..

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