Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New roads

So here we are, a new year awaits, isn't it nice that the first day is a day of rest for lots of people? so are we reflecting about the past are just recovering from a little to much party the night before.. the celebrations, have many memories of some very special times, as I am sure we all do, and yes a few sad times, now there be a trail before us, for some it is a clear bright path, a continuation of the previous year, others there may be some mist that cloud the trail and we have to take a few steps to be sure of our direction, still these roads always lay before us, up mountain and down through the valleys, such is the way of life, ever moving forward. Not sure I could ever want to stand still, telling myself I have made it, no, nay, there s always another peak another goal another giant that waits our resolve and so it is we take those steps be they known or cloudy, we take them cause what would life be if all we did was sit and wait for life to come meet us, better to take life on with sword shield and armor, for such are the friends we have, our swords our shields and our armor, and together we forge ahead into life

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