Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ghost II

that ghost came visiting the other day and I finally had to draw the line, funny how once someone has gone they can still linger on, our imaginations hold tight to that hope, we are told when there is hope there is life, hope does motivate us, but the ghost once said when she was not a ghost, "if you don't feed love, love dies" and I have feed this need this desire all alone for far to long, but it will be no more, How do we distinguish between a real hope and one that is false? Is it perhaps as simple as, when only one has hope and they other none and is gone, are we just fooling ourselves into believing a lie. how hard we often cling to that which we can not have and miss the very thing that would heal and make us whole? self motivated hope for that which you can not have drags us from hill to mountain and so often it cast us down with out a care, yet with the merest of gestures from that object of desire, we return to the starting line and the circle begins again, we interpret a word a comment a gesture as more then it really is. How do you know when it is finally time? this i have no clue, for each must come to grips with what is real. There is hope and faith in things which will come to pass, this i can not deny, i still have hope, hope in life, in love, but this false hope I will chase no more, the hope that a ghost will one day return is no more, and time to lift my self from this bed i waller in and dust myself off and say there were some really good time, but time to go for the love has passed, as she once said, "love not feed, will die".. so here is to new hopes new friends new adventures ahead, good night my friends my fellow travelers in the realm, sleep well and deep and enjoy the dreams of joy, tomorrow is a new day and thee sun and day await with new adventures and jewels to find ♥

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