Sunday, October 21, 2012


was a rather busy weekend, seems i land and am off on a tangent to a different realm, and no sooner does that adventure end when I must take up the banner to the running into the next fray, busy can be fun, but makes for a rather tiresome weekend, lots of walking, a train ride, I wanted to go horse back riding for some reason, perhaps it was seeing several out riding yesterday, was a simpler time then, perhaps food was a little more scarce, or perhaps took a little extra time to prepare, the night fires, the sounds of the wild, and then there were also the stars, for last night was clear and my mind raced far off into those worlds that might be, that could be, that we can only dream about, even yet my mind is a little scattered still racing around, trying to find that place of rest for the evening, was told it was organized chaos at times, smiles well sometimes that just life, considering this bull ride won for the day, but it was a glorious ride!

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