Monday, October 15, 2012

Dragon's Jewel

Dragon's Jewel – Originally written around December of 2010

There was a knight, so long ago, sought a treasure of a special jewel.  He had an idea of what he was looking for, and often times thought well here or there.  There were times he thought he would catch just a glimpse of the jewel within a certain treasure won in battle, that certain sparkle, a flash, but when he dug deeper the jewel had again eluded him for he looked as a selfish man wanting only the riches and not the jewel.
Life took its course with the knight, he fought his battles, accumulated his treasures, all without much meaning, it was not that things came easy, now he fought most days for the wages he earned. There were days of victory and days he lost a few fights, lost some treasure, gained another,  but there was just something not there not right.  He thought long ago he knew what it was, just that jewel that eluded him, but he eventually let the dream go as just a myth, after all, he learned life is what it is.
But there was a day awaiting, it had been such a day as never before, weariness settled into his bones, another treasure lost though he had struggled so long to hold on, hard fought battles won, and lost, another endless cycle, but in the end another lose.  But even in his weariness he had glimpsed a sparkle there on the horizon.  Brighter and purer then any before, he had not thought to ever see such a sight, but there it was, then it faded away, only dancing in the corner of his eye.  He thought to himself, just a myth, life is better without such things, it would be but another false wish.  The knight was sad, so many things he had, things he had lost as well, but never that certain jewel to share, just the day-to-day struggles of a knight.  But wait, another flash, why? Sparkling golden was her hair, no he said to himself, his dream was long ago gone, it cannot be.
But the jewel continued to dance just within the corner of his eye, till it shown so bright, the Knight was bathed by the beauty, and suddenly it was his, the radiance the joy he suddenly felt, it was not from battle, nor from victory, it was a gift, and the gift was his to hold to cherish, to share.  Suddenly, his life had meaning, places he visited now seem new again, the colors brighter...and when the day came and the jewel kissed him, and his heart melted, and the cold lump, so long sore with pain, weary from the struggles of a life so plain, soared.  Soared as the mighty dragons of old, that would leap from mountain tops and spread their wings... for only love can make a dragon fly, the love of his jewel that he would carry within, treasured and loved.. This the knight knew the story of how dragons could fly when love fills their hearts, and this was the jewel he long to hold, that he too would fly the way of dragons, leaping with joy each time he felt the jewel so soar through the skies above, how can a man, a knight have such joy, it can only come from the one true jewel, the one waiting for him, the one that a dragons must find that they may fly the skies together with the one they love.. and the one that this knight now knows.  He learned that he could look for endless ages to come, and never find such a gem, for the gem had found him and saved him for such is the way of dragon and jewel…

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