Monday, October 8, 2012

Friends all together

was a long yet wonderful day, was away most of it, ner even a chance to much more then peek through the lens of me phone, just enough to tease an tantalize my hungry to enjoy my friends that do come and go from their own adventures during the day. Has been reflecting back, now that my year is over, this month here will be one of trials, both days of joy and days of sorrow do mark the many days, but the sorrow has waned a over the past months, my heart filled with the love of so many dear friends, friends that have opened my eyes to what is truly important, yes one should know love, the love of a woman, to love her deep and with no reservations, to the point you would lay down your very life, and yes, it is true, with the one i was there, to that point, when she once did fill my heart and thought, memories still so sweet, but now, friends that do share their own love of life do lead me, do lift me, fellow comrades of their own battles, some perhaps still hoping for that dream of a knight or queen that will carry them off, some just content to know that friendships will last, there be many a good man and good woman among those that dwell within this realm, many i have grown to love as friends and something a little more, for there be much trust, to be able to stand back to back side by side, to weather these many storms of life, these be the things that do sustain one, that carry one when the heart the head is low.. so tis sweet to be locked in arms with you all, to carry this banner of friendship and honor and sing our songs of life, some of sadness and others of the joy of victory and so here is to that victory, bring the battle on the giants can no stand when friends do stand together..

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