Friday, December 27, 2013


Music, it connects us, not always do we hear, for so often we think of instrument or voice, yet there is music everywhere, not just a melody that repeats in your head, the last song you heard before going out the door, but it is the wind that blows, the leaves that rustle, the motion of a cat, or running of a pack, the flight of a bird taking wing, all these things music to those that take a moment to hear. I often turn off the radio, just to listen to the silence, though it is not silent, it is the motion and movement of life all around - reflection from a past year, the soon new year will be upon us so take a moment to listen to those dreams those sounds those memories of this past year, write that music in your heart and move forward into the coming new year

Monday, December 2, 2013


Do we truly grow wiser with age? if we did would we not learn from past mistakes? yet so often we seem to find ourselves in that rut of life doing the same things over and over, expecting things to be different, yet are they? This is not to say we can not get out of the rut, but to often that rut feels pretty comfy, so it is easy to fall back to repeat what we have already done, after all, we have committed many hours to getting in this deep, change simply means we would have to start all over again, and maybe we would just dig a new rut? Or change just isn't that easy, we make more mistakes when we change things, much easier to repeat the same mistakes, at least here we know what to expect, new mistakes means we have to think and isn't that a strange concept!! Ah my friends, life is change and growing, moving past and upward, sure that rut is comfy, and to leap from a cliff scares the crap out of us at times, yet, there lays the adventure, change.. we are never to old to change, never to old to learn something new, to step from the what was to the what is.. great moments in history didn't happen from man or woman seeking the most comfortable way, they happened from those that stepped up and out and took the challenge that faced them and when that goal was met, they took on the next, so rise up and fight, be brave and be encouraged, it's easy to be a part of the crowd, so step up and away and accept the challenge that faces you this day and the next.. the tower wasn't made cause some one didn't think outside the box they lived in, or the bridges that span the waters or the towers and monuments that cover this world, and what of flight, how long did we strive to take to the air, ahhh the challenges of life, tis a sweet thing to be alive, enjoy every moment of everyday. - PA 12/2/13

Thursday, September 12, 2013


the sound that makes the world go round, the sound of music, whether children's voices, the wind in the treetops, the sounds of birds, or the trickling of water down a mountain brook, there is music everywhere, there is rhythm in how we move, walk talk, lines of poetry, the careful steps timed just so,  music has been with us in one way or other since days from long long ago, all you have to do is listen..  off into the evening to enjoy making a little music myself, back later all and have a good save evening..

Friday, September 6, 2013

Tough Times

We talk of courage, strength, honor, and most feel they have all this, but the real strength comes when facing new changes, when you feel your alone and you have to go through what is ahead. When i came here over a year ago now, it was about changes, things i need to put in place to enjoy FB, what it meant and should be, at least to me. So i have learned that even though I walk through tough times, through these adventures of life, through good days and bad, i have this sweet circle of friends.. and to one that might read this, i do want you to know, you'll never be alone..

One Step

A day it has been, several weeks ago, maybe even a couple months, the piles on my desk were major, so much to do, so many demanding so much, well tonight, the beast finally feels like it's under control, famous last words I am sure, more like merely resting, waiting to rise up again. Like anything in life you take it a step at a time, no you can't do it all in a day, you chisel a little here a little there till the imagine inside emerges, you climb a mountain a little at a time, to reach the top, ok, yeah i know one slip and you start all over again, ouchies!!.. still the way to winning is to put one foot in front of the other, you will get there... and as your basking in the glory, standing on top, looking out over the vistas, remember, don't take your cellphones, cause sure enough, while your basking a contractor OR TWO will call you and change your schedule AGAIN !! ok, time to chillx and head for home ground, a good meal and movie night, always a good night for a good movie.. have a wonderful evening! see you all again soon

Monday, September 2, 2013

Chasing Dreams

Dreams and fantasy, we do come here to chase and share, for some it's in the art that shows, for others it lays with in the words.  Words we often long to hear in our real life, but rarely do they ring in our ears.  For some the pictures are the words, words they can not put to paper, but their mind does know what is in their heart to say.  For some we do put the pics we see in our heads or with our eyes into motion, telling the story that rest in our hearts, often a distant memory ready to be shared, or a fantasy that has stirred the dreams that rest in our hearts.  For some share words with many, for some the words are private, notes that touch the feelings of the one reading.  Many write for many reasons, to each his own, for me it is to release that which is pent up inside.  Some words  written for friends, whom i cherish so very dear, and some words can't be showered so openly and freely, they come strong deeper when a heart reaches out to touch another heart, words of passion and want, that have lane simmering for so long, and a simple smile or look, a comment can be like some one throwing wood onto a starving fire, that brings the passion to a boil inside.  How do you hold back such a surge of passion, for some it is so hard, the dreamers we are, looking for that one special muse to read our lines, a dream so hard to find... <3

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New beginnings

The morning, already here, and yet i watched the sun rising as i drove into work, have had a few cups to enjoy, just thinking about what lays ahead for the day, reflecting back on a sweet late night chat with a friend, rays of light that push their way through dark clouds, doesn't take much to brighten a day, a friendly smile, a soft comment, a gentle hug, so send someone a hug tell them you care, each day we have is special so greet the day and the adventures that lay just ahead around the next turn of the road, we never know but we can enjoy the time we have.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Me Time

Sometimes the best times are the times we take for ourselves, to take a moment to charge that energy and let go all that has found it's way into you this day, for each it is different, how to find that release, how to take a moment, when so many want that peace that you so willingly share, but to be that warrior or warriorette, there has to be a time, when you can let go this world, and find that peace, when we can say all this matters, but right now I matter, to take a moment to dance, to run, to play a little tune, this world seeks to run us over with its ever growing wants and needs, but it also offers so much when we do find that moment of quiet time.. to pursue our own dreams, because it's ok to say yes, i can, but it;s ok to also say no I can't right now, it really can wait - my love to you all, al i hold so dear especially that one.. <3

Love Always

so close yet so far, their life's worlds apart, yet they so close, torn to be together torn to be apart, sometimes life doesn't do what seems fair, but i have learned the lesson it does give to us can make us strong, perhaps something we did or do will help the other make a choice in life they would not have without the help of someone close, perhaps they will dare venture down a road or path that was closed to them, we never know what a friendship, relationship might bring or lead us to, what manner of shape it will take, if we would just walk away from the stoic idea of what it should be, and enjoy the way it is unique for each one we have come to love, friends, relationships, loves, then we can wake up stronger ever day, knowing that there is always that one that is closer then others that holds tight when hearts are troubled, that just simple cares no matter what roads are traveled by the other, for they be together forever.. <3 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Past Week

Well this has been a wondrous week, life always such an adventure, we hold on tight to something solid, yet our hearts do long for more adventure, and so the ever present decision to hold one or move forward, what is, always looks safe, at least it does after a few elbows in the right place to make sure things are in order, but change requires letting go sometimes, though we long to take everything with us, never leaving anyone anything behind, yet there are things we just have no control over, and when change comes in the way of adventure, a sorrow, a new joy, that very change, makes life what it is, sometimes happy sometimes sad, but one thing i have learned, go forth each day, smile lots, speak the truth, and have an honorable heart, life will be what it is, but our goal should be to rise up and over, to be conquerors in the stage play we are on, and that makes it a whole new game!! ♥

please feel free to visit our page as well  and thank you

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Archer on a Sunday Afternoon

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon/evening/night morning, with all the different times of the world you could be visiting at any given point in time, for me it is near mid afternoon and taking a few on the beautiful Sunday to share a few pictures, comments, relax with a cup of coffee and reflect a little, just 2 weeks and I am so amazed by the response and growth, i tip my cup in greetings to the new faces that have joined us just in the last day, I hope you all will make each other always feel welcome, with comments and greetings to one another, we are all here to enjoy art, and there be many forms to enjoy so do visit often and others as well. get to know one another, who knows perhaps a few of you will become new friends, all because you have something in common, the joy of the fantasies of life. If you have a suggestion, a theme as it were that you would like to see, please drop me a note, all are appreciated, we continue with the archers, but have done dragons and angels, of warriors in love and those that stand among friends, so please feel free to tag share, like, who knows what adventures do await you when you just step off into this fantasy realm we all share..

Monday, April 1, 2013


There be a setting sun now, time aplenty left for the evening, but time to wrap up this thing called work for another day, to close the books and travel a few roads to home, the crowds by now gone from the highways and bye ways, but the sun is bright though settling over the far horizon, sending long blades of light though parting trees, hills, and towers. Those monolyths of engineering, lining the trails, yet still the suns light does find it's way into ever dark cranny at least for a while longer, til finally the night has it's way, and the stars and moon will light your way. hoping all have a great evening ahead with friends family, or with a warm cozy bed, and to those greeting their day, i say good morning and with a smile I off till late dear ones all  

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Late in the night, when the darkness surrounds a house, the lights are low inside, images on a screen bring back memories of a time long ago, when two would chat late into the night, speaking of life, of love, of family, of all that I miss, those times, those quiet times will be those i remember and miss the most, sometimes just being quiet together, listening to the lapping of water on the sides of a boat, laying in the cool evening grass, watching the stars pop into being, the sounds of waters cascade over rock, a cool stream reflecting the light of a rising moon, stories and words we would share, till one of us drifted into sleep, and with a soft kiss and a warm hug we would let go till again we would meet.. those are the times I miss the most, when two hearts were bare, and hearts were shared, times that words can not describe, nor a thousand pictures tell the story for only the two will remember those night together now so long ago.. <3

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hi Ho Hi HO

hi ho hi ho, it's off to work we go, a fine day awaits, and so I must be off to finish off a few giants, save some damsels in distress, lasso a few dragons and of course feed a few trolls, all in a days work eh all? so here to wine whiskey and women, time to haul the boss off to get some more coffee :D have a grand day of adventure and mayhem ♥


Work work work, what is life without a little adventure to spark the spirit, whether in work or play, there always be adventures that await, and so am off to begin this new day, to enjoy what maybe in store, for either giant or troll, each in their way can affect your day, but take sword and shied, prepare the way that others may also gain their way though the days


Time to close my day, to seek a land we all find at the end of a day, that may melt into shapes or sparkle with lights, where imaginations do take over, and those thoughts held deep with in do spring forth, we chase those dreams at times it seems, we look for that which enters our heads at night hoping to find the next day in the light, that ever elusive thing we all seem to seek, wondering if we will ever really find our little dream - sweet dreams to all

Battle Days End

Each day can be such an adventure, one never knowing what will happen next, those best laid plans may work from time to time, and when they fail we can put on a smile and brave through, wait for a time when we can at last let go, that is the end of the day for me, has been a long one filled with many weary battles, they do take their toll and we can wonder where we might have to hide the bodies, but with the end of a day there is sleep and sleep revives the body, refreshes the mind, preparing us for another day of adventure.. now the night sky is close, the moon having risen, the waters of this life's oceans meerly a lapping at the walls of a ship that floats into a land of dreams, let those waves rock you in their arms and carry you off to new lands of springs and trees an mountain streams, let the gentle night breeze float your mind to a place of rest and restoration, and so till tomorrows morn i wish all a great sleep and a new day of adventure and love.. night all sweet dreams to all ♥

Sunday, March 17, 2013


this was going to be a quick run through to catch up, but my dear friends, it is always a pleasure to stay and enjoy you, even those that have already gone off to sleep, leaving morning treats or those that shall soon arise, wishing to enjoy coffee and maybe a few smiles, well my time has come to join those already sleeping in slumber and so I am wishing all a remarkable evening, have some fun kiss a few frogs, take a chance, any one of them might be your next prince charming or sleeping beauty, ok, they might slap you as well, but oh what joy even that coul be yes?  so am off to explore another realm, night night all <3

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


What is life without the occasional risk, when we throw caution to the wind and take a chance on a word a saying an event, when we set sail to greet each day, we know the ocean lays ahead, will a new land be found this day? Do we start our days with certain expectations, then fail to embrace the change that awaits us? make a plan set your sails, but remember, adventure lays at the corner, if we would but take a little risk. and what do we risk? the mundane world of daily doing this or this, but there be giants waiting, never let them bar your progress, engage them, let them know you rule your world your walk and you go where you want, not where the crowd wants, make your own trails, blaze your own paths, be yourself, and just enjoy knowing that your the best that you can be, the right people will come into your life, the ones that truly do care for you and about you, so make your own roads, be yourself, and enjoy each day to it's very fullest ♥

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


been a long and busy day, sometimes the challenges come at you fom all sides, and it's nice to just finally say, ok, whew!! I am still standing and they are not, so that means i win yes? Such a glorious feeling, it's a sweet tired, from having pushed oneself beyond the norms, to strive for that next mark, to get there, and no stopping, the next goal is just ahead, keep pushing growing, it,s onward, up, at the top is not riches and glory, it's just knowing you didn't quiet, you can stand there and look out over the lands, lift you hands and you head, you that much closer to the sky, to the stars, and it does feel good, all the money and riches can't compete with knowing you set a goal and you made it, even if it means on to the next, why stop, why turn back, life is about growing and learning and you can rest assured, this man plans to learn something new each day, to take on a challenge each day, so todays challenge ahead? how to stay standing more then getting knocked on my butt in karate tonight :) have a great one all, and enjoy the ride, back later ♥

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Breakfast anyone? just a time to sit and enjoy the company of beautiful people in my life, time together always means so much to me, sitting enjoying a view, a mountain side an ocean wave, a starry night or early sun rise, just taking time to know those that come and go in my life, not a better place then to sit over a meal with friends that now reach so very far back into my life. Some I will miss forever never seeing again, some I have yet to met but they are there waiting, some we will part, two paths they lead to different lands, and some will stay for ever in my heart, to all you that touch me each day, with your love and your dreams your joys and sorrows, to those tagged and those yet untagged, you all mean so much to me, I have learned more about the love we can have for each other these past months then i have in my entire real life, for I learned from one to not be selfish and that I have brought here to this table, for I learn that love is more then just a fast and furious relation, it is the lasting friendship between two that will care for one another and so many others, let your hearts grow and fill it with those cherished memories your making, you have made and the ones you will make, may your hearts reflect on those you love and care for, cherish all these, for we all grow together.. have a glorious day and until we meet again enjoy this ride called life ♥

Friday, February 15, 2013

A simple hug

one long week is now over and the weekend is beginning, time to kick off shoes, to run barefoot through sand, to play in the snow, to enjoy a new warm day, so many different weather days here, but we all enjoy the same sun and moon, just look up cause sometime tonight my eyes well go to that globe that radiates the sun, the stars high above, we all see these things, so enjoy your evening, enjoy your friends, remember we are not guaranteed a time a minute an hour, we make plans we have hopes, and these are all good, but stop and remember, there is the now as well, the times when a hand might reach out and needs you to take it and help and be lead back, so easy to be lost in what we want, we need we forget so often what others need, just a shoulder and hand a warm embrace, a smile.. have a great evening all, give a friend a hug.. ♥

Thursday, February 7, 2013


you can only sit in one place so long then you have to get up and move, run chase, fly, but something, when in this realm i can fly with my mind, or run like the deer, I can stretch my mind to be in that place that is such a vivid picture, I can walk though cold damp corridors of ancient castle, explore deep into the depths of the caves, the trickling water can be heard as we walk deeper and deeper into these wizards realm, the light at the far end pulls us ever closer, and yet it never seem to change, always drawing us in and yet always just out of reach, do we ramble as we travel, is it like a dream running from place to place from thought to thought, do the mist surround us, then part and we have another glimps of what is what could be what will be? onward we go, we grow hand in hand with friends so dear, always moving yet each time there be the roses in our life that wait for us to pause, to drink in there beauty with our senses, the thought to bring with does occur but to rip such a beautiful delicate thing, no, nah, but onward we go, to grow.. am off, music does await, though only at home and not away, still it is another world, the sound of tunes, and the feel of strings under fingers.. till late when i shall return to wish all a good night, but for now am off to run, then there awaits a fireball of a woman with dinner on plate.. have a great evening, back after an evening of music and dreams.. ♥

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Off to Ski

Ah, the sound of quiet mountain highs awaits me tomorrow, what will the thin crisp air inspire to do! the race down the side of a slope, sometimes steep other times just to cruise and enjoy, music will I hear, as it plays in my ears, yet from time to time, just to pause, and listen to the quiet that is only found on those mountain highs, to look out over mountains near and far, each time i visit, the joy of being up so high, the chill in the air, and comrodary of friends that we come together and share this once a year time. the sweet smell of pine still in the air, white carpets of snow, with trails of others that have gone before, the time friends share while traveling from the bottom to the top of the next hill, to slide down quick so that we might start again, ahh, will be a trip to long remember, will be away for a few days, but as i gaze out across the hills the mountain peaks, my thoughts will return to this realm and those that dwell here, to the love we share and i shall enjoy the hearty embraces of the friendships we have forged here in my heart, till then all, be safe, enjoy the days ahead and the adventures that lay before you each day (note to self, no matter how loud you scream, trees do not move)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Crisp Air

long yawn, long day and busy night and now is time to lay down head, to sleep and dream of fairies and dragons to fly to run to fight to love, tomorrow the sun will rise anew and we will seek out new adventure and trail and fellow companions to share our lives, tonight though the stars are again bright, the sky so clear, and so looking out the window, i think of all the eyes that might pause and wonder where each of us are, there is a chill in the air, so crisp and clean, that makes you feel alive, and yet causes you to turn from the day and find a warm blanket and bed, to bundle up as your body hits cool sheets that slow warm with body heat, till the cool crisp air outside, is but a distant memory as you lay down this night, so here it is sweet dreams to all and to all a great night..

Morning Song

wiggle wiggle squirm worm!! sometimes people no like that I sing in the mornings, but it's a bright new day, why shouldn't we greet it with a smile on lips and a song in heart, it's always exciting to be alive, one never knows what the day will bring, we can anticipate and maybe even manipulate to a point, but the final outcome of any new day is an adventure waiting to be discovered, new thing on the horizon, old haunts that return to remind you of a time when, yet are are made to look forward not live in the past, life is ever moving ever changing, we can stand and watch or jump in with both feet, personally i love jumping in, maybe to soon, maybe a little late, but you don't learn to swim standing on the creek bank..

Monday, January 21, 2013

Awesome friends

Actually you are all pretty awesome, to have taken the time to share your lives to get to know me, and letting me get to know you, of tender hearts and of strong days of boldness and days when we want to hide from the world, both male and female that visit this page, that share your comments your cares, your days, you are all in my book some of the best friends i could ever ask for and so this is for all of you, tagged or not, for the tags can only go so far, wishing you all a fabulous evening ahead and back later to share more in this realm of fairies dragons, lovers, dreamers and just people that care so much for each other and those around.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dog Pile

ahh, is that time when the lights grow dim and the night chill is settling in, time to find a warm place to cuddle with your lover and enjoy a quiet evening, perhaps to return later to enjoy the life of this wizards realm so full of magic and adventure, of wall post that make me smile and laugh and to know there are others out here that seek adventure as do I. we fly we cry, we have hopes, we grow with new friends and watch as others go from our lives, when the list gets so full sometimes we don't even notice when one has left the fold, Our lives ever changing ever growing, as a friend once said to stand still is to die so we do move on and grow, cherish your friends always for they are they that make you smile that share in your good times and bad times, that hold you dear to their hearts never to leave, i heard it once said your friends are they that when they see you down jump right on top to make you laugh, so lets all hope that the pile that is on top of us grows higher each day, thank yo all for being my friends ♥

Fly High

These days have been busy indeed, and my visits have often been short, I see though there are so many new adventures, knew thoughts and dreams that await to be explored, for now my times is in the music i play, though there are times i come to share the pics that lead to such wild adventures in the mind, and heart. Where will your dreams take you tonight? bright and distance stars? a ship that sail into the night, the mountain high that looks out over a land rich in forest and beast, or perhaps you would fly. do your dreams take you so high? far into the clouds then to race to the ground and pull up at the last minute to again soar up high, do you spread those wings and let the air carry you far and wide over hill and dale, for such are the dreams of this realm, to be forest creature fleet of foot, to be the toothy vamp that roams the night, to be the inner person you so desire to be, to find in yourself the happiness that comes from just being who and what you are deep inside, yes they have been busy days of late but my thoughts and heart are never far from spending time here with you all.. soon the night will take me into it's arms and I shall dream of fairies and dragons, of gypsy and pixie, of flying and running of all those things that some day may be..

Monday, January 14, 2013


So many roads to choose from so how do you know which to take? is there a map someplace that says this way is safest, this ways is more adventurous. this way is dangerous and this way will break your heart? there is no sign i know of, the trails all look the same, and i see foot prints traveling down each, some small others large, some of creature very strange. These all lead someplace, and we must take one, to stand is to die, to move forward is to grow, so how do we decide? how do yo decide? do you toss a coin into the air and hope for the best? do you attempt to travel down as many as you can hoping that you will make enough headway to finally be able to choose, who is that waiting for you, ah, so many roads, they lead to work they lead to friends they lead to family and love, so many choices in life, what manner of creature would we be if we couldn't decide. My cat sleeps all day, she has decided that is what she likes, looks rather boring to me. I read once in a sci fi book of course, that among all the "intelligent" creatures alive in the galaxy (remember Sci fi :) ) man had the shortest life span, because at the beginning of time we all were given a choice, long life though boring and dull or short and one full of adventure! you have to love the adventures, the good and the bad, we find them all here as we travel these roads, so make a choice a decision and don't look back, enjoy the ride soon enough you will come to another fork that will lead you deeper or back to safety again..

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The work day is done and the evening awaits, hot food on the table and a little art work for the evening, winter nights are a time to enjoy family and friends around fire and hearth, to speak of the days adventures, to discuss the future of roads we may tread, paths we might follow,  to enjoy the hand of a lover in yours, the chatter of children running about with laughter! to listen to the winter wind outside and feel warmer inside as the fire crackles merrily, a log is consumed to heat the room, the dancing shadows cast on the walls by the light of the fire, a warm rug and sweet hug, these are the times of winter, when we rest from a long day of work and just take time to know family friends and love, these are the things we long for, look for, and most times they are waiting right at our fingertips, but the days of toil and trouble blinds us, unless we STOP, breath and think, what more is there really then love of friends and family.  sweet evening to you all and may you take a few moments to step away from the desk to kiss the one you love and tell them of your love for we are not guaranteed tomorrow, hug your kids even if they run about like feiste rug rats or trolls..  :)  ahh the evening just a sweet time of family - I am sure we all have a memory of such a evening of many such an evening so enjoy those thoughts and make a few new ones - so till later when all have gone to bed and I settle into my chair to enjoy a few more moments with my friends from this realm i bid thee all a pleasant and sweet evening

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Gems Among Treasures

there are always a few gems among treasures that stand out more then others, they make the eye turn and look, but what is it that bring the eye to focus, is it the flash of light, the radiance, admittedly we walk into a jewelry store and though all the sparkle twinkles in your eye, there is that one that draws you in, there are gems among photos and art, landscape and starry night, things we all seem to be drawn to each in our own way, for some the spectacular color, and yet the same might look upon a black and white photo and marvel that they are again drawn in, what interesting creatures we are, so full of variety of interest, i enjoy the pics i post, and there are a few i enjoy that i will not post, i will just smile and say pretty to myself, some that I post you might say hohum, while others makes you look again, oh such variety in life in what we all see and do, the best thing in life isn't that we are all alike, it's that we are all so very different, and you know, it's ok.. sweet dreams to you all, my your heads rest well and the day ahead be full of new adventure..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New roads

So here we are, a new year awaits, isn't it nice that the first day is a day of rest for lots of people? so are we reflecting about the past are just recovering from a little to much party the night before.. the celebrations, have many memories of some very special times, as I am sure we all do, and yes a few sad times, now there be a trail before us, for some it is a clear bright path, a continuation of the previous year, others there may be some mist that cloud the trail and we have to take a few steps to be sure of our direction, still these roads always lay before us, up mountain and down through the valleys, such is the way of life, ever moving forward. Not sure I could ever want to stand still, telling myself I have made it, no, nay, there s always another peak another goal another giant that waits our resolve and so it is we take those steps be they known or cloudy, we take them cause what would life be if all we did was sit and wait for life to come meet us, better to take life on with sword shield and armor, for such are the friends we have, our swords our shields and our armor, and together we forge ahead into life