Monday, January 14, 2013


So many roads to choose from so how do you know which to take? is there a map someplace that says this way is safest, this ways is more adventurous. this way is dangerous and this way will break your heart? there is no sign i know of, the trails all look the same, and i see foot prints traveling down each, some small others large, some of creature very strange. These all lead someplace, and we must take one, to stand is to die, to move forward is to grow, so how do we decide? how do yo decide? do you toss a coin into the air and hope for the best? do you attempt to travel down as many as you can hoping that you will make enough headway to finally be able to choose, who is that waiting for you, ah, so many roads, they lead to work they lead to friends they lead to family and love, so many choices in life, what manner of creature would we be if we couldn't decide. My cat sleeps all day, she has decided that is what she likes, looks rather boring to me. I read once in a sci fi book of course, that among all the "intelligent" creatures alive in the galaxy (remember Sci fi :) ) man had the shortest life span, because at the beginning of time we all were given a choice, long life though boring and dull or short and one full of adventure! you have to love the adventures, the good and the bad, we find them all here as we travel these roads, so make a choice a decision and don't look back, enjoy the ride soon enough you will come to another fork that will lead you deeper or back to safety again..

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