Saturday, February 16, 2013


Breakfast anyone? just a time to sit and enjoy the company of beautiful people in my life, time together always means so much to me, sitting enjoying a view, a mountain side an ocean wave, a starry night or early sun rise, just taking time to know those that come and go in my life, not a better place then to sit over a meal with friends that now reach so very far back into my life. Some I will miss forever never seeing again, some I have yet to met but they are there waiting, some we will part, two paths they lead to different lands, and some will stay for ever in my heart, to all you that touch me each day, with your love and your dreams your joys and sorrows, to those tagged and those yet untagged, you all mean so much to me, I have learned more about the love we can have for each other these past months then i have in my entire real life, for I learned from one to not be selfish and that I have brought here to this table, for I learn that love is more then just a fast and furious relation, it is the lasting friendship between two that will care for one another and so many others, let your hearts grow and fill it with those cherished memories your making, you have made and the ones you will make, may your hearts reflect on those you love and care for, cherish all these, for we all grow together.. have a glorious day and until we meet again enjoy this ride called life ♥

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