Sunday, March 31, 2013


Late in the night, when the darkness surrounds a house, the lights are low inside, images on a screen bring back memories of a time long ago, when two would chat late into the night, speaking of life, of love, of family, of all that I miss, those times, those quiet times will be those i remember and miss the most, sometimes just being quiet together, listening to the lapping of water on the sides of a boat, laying in the cool evening grass, watching the stars pop into being, the sounds of waters cascade over rock, a cool stream reflecting the light of a rising moon, stories and words we would share, till one of us drifted into sleep, and with a soft kiss and a warm hug we would let go till again we would meet.. those are the times I miss the most, when two hearts were bare, and hearts were shared, times that words can not describe, nor a thousand pictures tell the story for only the two will remember those night together now so long ago.. <3

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